Introducing… The Corner Shelf Summer Book Club

This has been in the works for several months now, and today I am so happy to finally share it with you!

This summer, starting on May 1st and finishing June 30th, I’m going to be reading through and discussing The Pilgrim’s Progress with some family and friends, and I would LOVE for us to do it together! How exactly? Let me explain!

I want you to grab a friend, a parent (or two!) a sibling, or your kids and read The Pilgrim’s Progress with them. If you don’t have anyone living at your house, invite the neighbor you don’t know well to come over once a week for book club. See if any friends from work, school, or church might be interested.

My hope and prayer for the Corner Shelf Book Club, is that people all over the country (or maybe world) will build relationships over rich books, and encourage and inspire one another on our journey heavenward. Books are not simply for entertainment, they are for encouragement and that is my goal with the Book Club. Encouragement and friendships that form over a cup of coffee (or hot chocolate, or lemonade, or juice…) and a book that will change your life.

Books tend to spark questions, that spark conversations, that change lives and give us opportunities to share the love of Christ with our families, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Or they enable us to relate to one another’s struggles and better encourage and sharpen each other. Books do so much more than distract us for a certain amount of time. They open doors to relationships and conversations that might just change the world for someone. So that is my goal for the Corner Shelf Book Club: to encourage spiritual growth, mutual encouragement, and deep friendships over rich, Christ-centered literature.

I hope you’ll join me.

If you decide to read along, please don’t do it alone. A relationship is far more than a digital communication or sharing of information. Follow along on social media, and use the tools I will supply on the blog, but please, please, please, sit down with a real person in your home, or at a coffee shop, or on a porch, or in the car, or waiting at dance lessons, and take this opportunity to be with them.

I would suggest that during Book Club, you leave your phone in another room. If you want to share what you are loving and learning with the online community of readers, feel free to do so! In fact, please do, I would love to see all the people participating! But do it with your Book Club partner(s) first. And don’t do it when the person you are reading with, is sitting right there with you.

Be with them. Read with them. Learn with them. Enjoy them.

Then later, take a snapshot and share your thoughts!

I’m not doing any teaching or expounding on the book, that is not my goal. I will have a printable schedule and discussion questions each week, but the rest is up to you! Go ahead and get the word out, find your people, and plan ahead for a summer of deep thoughts, fellowship, laughter, and books. I cannot wait to begin.

Between now and when we start in May, please spread the word! Tell anyone who might be interested in participating, and encourage them to reach out and invite someone to join them!

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas, let me know! You can reach me on Instagram @the_corner_shelf or email me here!

Here’s to a summer of encouragement, spiritual growth, mutual encouragement, and deep friendships over rich, Christ-centered literature.

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