Why I Write

Why I Write

The sky outside is gray and the air has turned cold. I can hear the whirring of my washing machine as it spins and sloshes the load of sheets inside. I can smell the blend of spices from my kitchen where the crock-pot slowly cooks soup that will be lunch in the coming days for [...]

A Poem: Prayer for Sheep

A Poem: Prayer for Sheep

‘Till your life reaches fullness, The LORD be your Shepherd; And to His lovingkindness May you e’er be tethered. When you’re tempted to wander And seek earthly pleasures, My dear, look to your Father The fount of all treasure. When you’re weary from striving Look for solace no more, In green pastures abiding The sheep’s [...]

On Being Loved

On Being Loved

It is Wednesday morning and I should be at work right now. Forty minutes away from me my classroom is full of seven students and a substitute teacher in my place. Where am I? At home, seated at my dining table. The window behind me is open and the first of this year’s spring breezes [...]

I Remembered You

I Remembered You

I was walking out to my car carrying an armload of Bibles, sketchbooks, and coats when I heard her call my name out from across the parking lot. She was standing in the church's side doorway, waving her arm to get my attention. I stopped, and we met halfway. "I have something for you!" she [...]