Maybe He is the Answer, and He is Enough

It’s early morning. My coffee sits in the window sill of my Dad’s office, which happens to be my favorite room in the whole house. No one else has woken up yet, and there’s a precious stillness around me. I turned on some soft instrumental music and the morning seems calm and quiet.

But it isn’t.

Sleep last night was no friend of mine. I tossed and turned. Question after question flying through my mind. Doubts creeping into my heart. Fears suffocating me. I came downstairs when I couldn’t lie there restless any longer. I needed to journal, to read my Bible. To write.

Feelings and thoughts are not quiet parts of me. When I feel, I feel thoroughly. There is nothing small or slight in my feelings. When I think, I cannot help but pour my thoughts out as I sort through them. Most often on paper, but not scarce are the times I sit in my Momma’s rocking chair and just spill everything into her ever-listening and patient ears.

But then there are times like last night, where I’m alone with those thoughts and feelings, with seemingly no where to take them for relief.

Then I remember. 

A prayer and a faded index card…

Oh Lord… is how it often starts. A cry for Him to hear me, because I feel so alone. It’s always verbal. I cannot keep it in my head. I laid there last night, pouring my heart and mind out before my Father. It must’ve been an hour or two before I fell asleep, praying.

When I woke up this morning, I rolled over and saw the worn index card that has been taped to my mirror, my desk, and now my bed frame over the last two years. I know the words written in blue felt tip pen by heart, but there is something about reading each word again that brings a renewing effect. It’s as if I’d never read it before.

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.” The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.

Lamentations 3:22-26

I was at a conference this Wednesday, and had the opportunity to listen to Mrs. Mary Mohler speak to women on growing in gratitude. One of the things she said stuck with me last night and this morning. She said that when our thorns in the side begin to hurt, and our questions arise, doubts creep in, and the desire to complain grows, we must thank God for who He is. We must write down His character. Remind ourselves of it. Cling to it.

I looked at the faded index card, and I saw a reminder of who my Lord is. I asked for answers, for consolation to my doubts, questions, and fears. I didn’t necessarily find them, but He led me to find Him. He is answer enough. More than enough.

He loves me steadfastly.

He is always merciful.

He is faithful.

He is my portion.

He is my hope.

He is good.

He will save.

He says that it is good that I wait quietly, seeking Him. He will not leave me.

A certainty among uncertainties…

You see, I don’t like not having answers for my questions. I don’t like not having relief for my doubts. I don’t like not having a resolution for my fears. I want those things, those uncertainties, to be taken away from me. But alas, they remain. They don’t even lessen over time either, they simply increase.

He doesn’t promise to take away the uncertainty of my circumstances, but He does promise to be certain. And I’m learning, through many nights like last night, that the certainty of Him in the many uncertainties of life is enough. He is enough. I can trust Him to fulfill what He promised, that all things will work for good. That His way is perfect. His grace sufficient.

I don’t know who will read this, if anyone. But if you are reading it right now, and you are looking for answers and certainty, look to Him dear friend. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, and truly, the things of this world, even the questions and fears that rob you of sleep and stillness, will grow strangely dim. His face is full of glory and light. The darkness cannot hide it.

Morning mercies…

I closed my journal this morning, after writing out who God was and His promises. I prayed, and thanked Him for them. I thanked Him for Himself. Then I looked up at the quiet house, and still no one had awoken. The stillness remained. The soft music was playing. My coffee was not steaming anymore, but it was still there.

I looked out and saw the sunlight making it’s way into our yard from the woods behind. Clouds hung in the sky, and rain drizzled down. It was not clear out, no not at all. But He was clear. He was certain. His mercies were new, and His faithfulness great.

At last, the peace and quiet of the morning.

16 thoughts on “Maybe He is the Answer, and He is Enough

  1. Thank you dear one for sharing your heart. In the beginning of your blogs I used to read because I’m a friend of your Mimi’s , but I am blessed because of who you are and the wisdom you share. I’m thankful for that connection the Lord used to quiet & strengthen my heart . Have a joyful evening & hopefully a restful sleep.
    Lovingly, Susan β€” hopefully I will see you in the near future.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you, Madelyn! I was drawn to this post on Tim’s daily A La Carte, reading those words about God being certain in the midst of our uncertainties. I love your insights, dear! I live in Southern Pines and may be moving to the Raleigh area in the next year – such a beautifully small world that the Father makes out of the universe of universes He created. I will be following your writing. Keep looking to Him, thank you for blessing me today!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment! It was such an encouragement for me today! What a small world! North Carolina is such a beautiful place! I grew up there before moving to the Midwest after high school!! I miss the dogwood trees!


  3. Thank you! I also came across your blog from Tim Challies A La Carte. I appreciate being reminded of the certainty of God and the need to wait for Him.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for your words drawn from God’s word. I passed the encouragement along to dear friends who needed to be reminded that Jesus is enough.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, this is truly beautiful and highly encouraging! I am so thankful that Tim Challies linked to this article. I am often plagued with many fears and anxieties, some of them intense and mind-occupying. This helps me keep things in perspective. (-: Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so thankful that it encouraged you! Praise the Lord! He is so good to comfort us, and through it comfort others. Thank you for sharing, your words encouraged me this morning. 😊 praying for you today!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for this much needed reminder! πŸ˜€ I woke up this morning with a dark cloud over my head (ironic, because it is a scorching hot summer here in the Philippines). I realized I had two choices, allow this dark cloud to turn into a thunderstorm that will eventually drown me, or cry out to the Lord who turns mourning into dancing. Praise God, His grace allowed me to choose the latter. Reading your post today reminded me of one beautiful thing, that if I run out of things to be thankful for, I should be mindful of who He is, thank Him for he remains sure and certain in the midst of our day to day uncertainties. Thank you, the Lord has reminded me of His steadfast love today! β™‘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, so much for sharing how this encouraged you. It encouraged my own heart to hear!! The Lord is faithful, good, and always with us. Praying for you today, and that you would continue to be comforted by Him and find joy in His goodness!

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